My Blinkie



Tuesday 14 June 2022
Just click to make full-size and right-click to save.
Please do not share or claim as your own.
Store link: HERE
Two important things about my clusters:
1. When you right-click and save, the cluster/banner will get saved with a weird name... that's because I saved them on my computer as a reference to what cluster number it is and what tag number it is in my tag folder. Usually I ask people to keep the names intact, but you're welcome to change the name if you want if it's too confusing. I just didn't want to give them vague names because I get confused easily!! But it's better if you keep the name so if you ever want to use it, you will know which kit I used to make it :)
2. Most of my clusters have the masks in them... so you don't have to add a separate mask. I have posted SOME clusters with a *no mask version* (which you can see when you save them both). If you *really* want a particular cluster without the mask, you can ask me via email or if you're a member of a forum I belong to, feel free to PM me in that forum and ask me and I'll happily provide you with a *no mask version* of that cluster.
Unfortunately, I cannot provide you the *layered* version as I promised most designers that I will post a transparent merged .png version of the cluster on my blog when I asked them for permission


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