My Blinkie



Thursday, 23 June 2022
Just click to make full-size and right-click to save.
Please do not share or claim as your own.
Store link: HERE
Two important things about my clusters:
1. When you right-click and save, the cluster/banner will get saved with a weird name... that's because I saved them on my computer as a reference to what cluster number it is and what tag number it is in my tag folder. 
2. Most of my clusters have the masks in them... so you don't have to add a separate mask. I have posted SOME clusters with a *no mask version* (which you can see when you save them both). If you *really* want a particular cluster without the mask, you can ask me via email or if you're a member of a forum I belong to, feel free to PM me in that forum and ask me and I'll happily provide you with a *no mask version* of that cluster.


  1. Thank you for the beautiful clusters, Basima.

  2. Thank you Dear Basima for these absolutely gorgeous Clusters you are so talented and kind . Hugs and appreciation from Bev xo


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